Essential oils can be used to help regulate the sebaceous glands. These oils must be diluted before being applied to the skin.
Helps acne, dry skin, and rash, closes pores, moisturizes mature and damaged skin, and wrinkles.
Helps acne, dermatitis, inflammation, damaged skin, stressed skin, sun damage, psoriasis, rashes, scars, soothes sensitive skin.
Helps acne, blemishes, dry skin, skin stress, regenerative scars, fights and removes wrinkles.
Helps acne, dry skin, eczema, edema, oily hair and skin, opens pores, invigorates and rejuvenates skin, tissue regenerator, great for scars and wrinkles
Helps acne, oily skin, varicose veins, warts, wounds, and wrinkles.
Helps acne, bruising, dermatitis, eczema, scarring, stretch marks and sunburn wounds.
Helps dry skin, sensitive or irritated skin, slows aging and damage, balances skin hormones especially after menopause, skin regenerating.
Soothes and rebuilds the network of skin cells in all three layers of skin. Regenerative making it great for scars and damage or aged skin. Acne, dry skin, eczema and psoriasis.
Carrot seed
Eczema, mature skin, psoriasis, cell regeneration, rashes, skin irritation and dermatitis.
Helps mature skin, and wrinkles.
Ylang Ylang
Helps acne, cell regeneration with skin tone and scars. Treats dry, damaged and mature skin.
Helps acne, cleanse and circulation, removes deep lymph congestion, prevents ingrown hairs.
Helps acne, broken capillaries, sun damage, dermatitis, eczema, rashes, sensitive skin, inflammation and pain.
Helps acne, broken capillaries, eczema, hormone related breakouts, tones the skin, helps build collagen.
Tea Tree
Helps acne, abscess breakouts, cold sores, oily skin, viral issues in the skin, rashes, sunburn, helps prevent ingrown hairs.
Helps oily and dry skin, sensitive skin, stretch marks and wrinkles.
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