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Permanent Makeup review

Over the past few years I have gone in and had some permanent makeup done on myself. I wanted to share my experience with those who may be thinking about this option. I’ve had my top eyeliner and eyebrows done on separate occasions by two different artists. When I was 18 I had my eyebrows […]

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Ayruvedic Doshas and how they relate to the skin

Vata Skincare Vata is the Ayruvedic name for the universal force that causes dryness and coldness. So skin that is thin, dehydrated and shrinks in cold weather needs warmth, nourishment, and moisture. Recommended essential oils: Lavender, Ylang Ylang Pitta Skincare Pitta is the Ayruvedic name for the force that causes heat, acidity and irritation so […]

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Essential oils for the skin part 2

Essential oils can be used to help regulate the sebaceous glands. These oils must be diluted before being applied to the skin. Cedarwood Helps acne, dry skin, and rash, closes pores, moisturizes mature and damaged skin, and wrinkles.  Lavender Helps acne, dermatitis, inflammation, damaged skin, stressed skin, sun damage, psoriasis, rashes, scars, soothes sensitive skin. […]

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